College ActivitiesEvery year the College hosts Fellows Briefings as part of our ongoing College education and development programs. During these hour-long presentations, the College representatives to other organizations, and other speakers, provide information on numerous topics, including (but not limited to) updates on laws and regulations, as well as non-ACCFL task force or committee/commission activities. ACCFL holds its Annual Meeting & Dinner in the Spring, and a Fall Dinner & Advanced Seminar in the Fall each year.Although a separate event, the College gathers for its Annual Meeting & Dinner on the Saturday following the ABA Business Law Section Spring meeting. At the College's Annual Meeting, fellows vote for Officers for the upcoming year, as well as for new Regents who will serve for three years on the College's Board, replacing a graduating class of Regents. Officers and Committee Chairs update the fellowship on the past year's activities and project outcomes, and report on progress toward College goals. Plans for the upcoming year are reviewed. New Fellows, whose nomination for Fellowship have been approved by the Board of Regents, are presented to the College. Prestigious awards are presented during the meeting. The 2023 Annual Meeting & Dinner will be held at The Rainier Club in Seattle Washington on April 29, 2023. College Fellows will receive an invite to the annual event. The 2020 Annual Meeting & Dinner that was to be held at the Harvard Club of Boston, on March 28, 2020, was CANCELLED due to COVID-19.. College Fellows were sent further information by email, directly to their individual email addresses. For information about Past Annual Meetings & Dinners, including photos, please see "Past College Events". ******************** The College's 2020 Fall Dinner has been cancelled, since the ABA has cancelled its in-person conference in September in Chicago. WATCH THE WEBSITE, and Fellows watch your emails, for updated information about the College's 2020 Fall Advanced Seminar, as it becomes available. New Fellows and any award winners will be honored at the next in-person College event! The College gratefully acknowledges major sponsors: For information about past Fall Dinner & Advanced Seminars, see "Past College Events" ******************** Fellows are Involved in other organization group projects designed to advance the practice of commercial law. ACCFL Fellows are considered both participants and observers that represent the College. Fellow participants provide updates through Observer Briefing Calls. See Representatives to Other Organizations for further information about the various projects in which ACCFL colleagues are involved. Please go to Observer Briefing Calls for more detailed information about this College program. |